150+ Funny Cricket Puns That Will Bowl You With Laughter

Looking for some funny cricket puns? You’re in the right place! We’ve gathered the best cricket puns that will bowl you over with laughter. Cricket is one of the most-watched sports in the world, known for its excitement and thrill. But do you know what can make your cricket experience even better? Cricket puns! They might be hard to find, but not today. We’ve compiled the most entertaining and witty puns about cricket just for you. Ready for some more sixers? Check out the hilarious cricket puns below!

Top Funny Cricket Puns

Cricket Puns
  1. Why was the cricket ball feeling unmotivated? Because it was tired of going over the boundary line.
  2. What do you call a cricketer who makes cobwebs? A spin bowler!
  3. Why did the cricket ball go to school? He wanted to learn some spin!
  4. Why don’t cricketers have timeouts? They would be stumped!
  5. How do cricketers communicate? They catch up on the pitch!
  6. Who’s the most flirtatious cricketer? The one who always says ‘Catch me if you can!’
  7. Why did the cricket pitch get into trouble? Because it wasn’t behaving fair and square!
  8. What did the cricket ball say to the bat on a hot day? You’re a real hit!
  9. Why are cricketers’ jokes always funny? They always bowl you over!
  10. Why are cricket umpires always calm? Because they don’t want to get caught in a run-out!
  11. What’s a cricket ball’s favorite song? “Rolling in the Deep!”
  12. Why did the cricket ball blush? Because it saw the stump bare!
  13. Why did the cricket ball break up with the bat? Because the bat had a swing at everything!
  14. Why don’t cricket balls ever get lost? Because they always follow the seam!
  15. Why did the cricket ball go to jail? Because it hit a sixer!
  16. What’s a cricket pitch’s favorite breakfast? French cuts and leg glances!
  17. Why don’t cricketers ever get flat tires? They always carry a spare!
  18. Why can’t cricket bats stand up by themselves? Because they are always playing shots!
  19. Why don’t cricket players use sunblock? They like the extra cover!
  20. What do you give a cricketer when he’s cut? First slide!
  21. Why are cricketers bad storytellers? Because they always drop the catch!
  22. What’s a cricket ball’s worst nightmare? A flat pitch!
  23. Why did the cricket ball go to the casino? He wanted to take a gamble!
  24. Why don’t cricketers ever feel down? Because every loss is just another run!
  25. Why did the cricketer bring a ladder to the game? He wanted to catch a high ball!
  26. Why are cricketers bad at gardening? They keep running into the pitch!
  27. Why don’t cricketers ever get hungry? Because every time they feel a pinch, they go for a run!
  28. Why was the cricket stadium so cool? It had loads of fans!
  29. Why was the cricket ball a good detective? It never stopped following the leads!
  30. What’s a cricketer’s favorite type of party? A stumper party!
  31. Why did the cricket bat get promoted? It mastered the art of hit and run!
  32. Why did the cricket ball go to the psychologist? Because every time it was hit, it felt bowled over!
  33. Why did the cricket pitch go to the dentist? It was losing its crease!
  34. What’s the most fashionable part of a cricket kit? The running shoes! They always suit the pitch.
  35. Why did the cricket ball earn an award? It was outstanding in its field!
  36. Why are cricket players great dates? They don’t mind if you take a run at them!
  37. Why did the cricket ball get a warning? It was always pushing the boundary!
  38. Why did the cricket ball engage in social work? It wanted to promote all-rounders!
  39. What’s a cricket pitch’s favorite workout? Cross training!
  40. Why did the cricket umpire break up with his girlfriend? She always thought he was running out on her!
  41. Why did the cricket stadium go on a diet? The balls were starting to hit the boundary too often!
  42. Why can’t cricketers play soccer? They always think they have to catch the ball!
  43. Why did the cricket ball practice yoga? To improve his inner swing!
  44. Why did the cricket pitch go to the spa? It needed to loosen up its square leg!
  45. Why did the cricket stadium go to rehab? It had too many shots!
  46. Why don’t cricketers ever play hide and seek? They’re afraid they won’t make it back in time for the innings!
  47. Why did the cricket crowd go to a sushi restaurant? They were hungry for more rolls!
  48. Why did the cricket ball become a writer? Because every toss was a new story!
  49. What’s a cricketer’s favorite drink? Is it tea? Nah, it’s Wicket Lemonade!
  50. Why did the cricket ball go to Hollywood? It was cast in a groundbreaking pitch!

Funny Crickey Puns

  1. Why was the cricket bat so groundbreaking? It always changed the direction of the game!
  2. Why are cricket players good at math? Because they always calculate the run rate!
  3. Why did the cricket ball join the circus? He wanted to be part of the juggling act!
  4. Why did the cricket ball go to the planetarium? It was feeling starstruck after hitting those boundaries!
  5. Why don’t cricketers steal? Because it’s not in their fielding position!
  6. What’s the cricket ball’s philosophy on life? Hit the ground running!
  7. Why did the cricket ball enrol in dance classes? It wanted to learn some spin moves!
  8. Why are cricketers good at poker? They’re always ready to deal!
  9. Why do cricketers make good detectives? Because they always catch the culprit!
  10. Why did the cricket pitch consult a life coach? It wanted a level playing field!
  11. What’s a cricketer’s favorite type of music? Hip-hop, because it is always catching up with the beat!
  12. Why did the cricket ball start baking? It wanted a taste of the dough!
  13. Why don’t cricket balls ever feel lonely? Because they always end up in someone’s hands!
  14. Why did the cricket ball renew its gym membership? It wanted a healthy run!
  15. Why did the cricket pitch lose its job? It was accused of foul play!
  16. What’s a cricket stadium’s favorite movie? “Field of dreams”
  17. Why was the cricket ball always picked first in school sports? Because it was great at quick runs!
  18. Why don’t singers make good cricketers? They’re always looking for the highest pitch!
  19. Why did the cricket pitch go to a therapist? It was stressed from the constant running around!
  20. Why are cricketers great at dance-offs? They always bring their best moves to the feild!
  21. How do you turn a fruit into a cricketer? Give it a bat and wait for it to make a run!
  22. Why did the cricket pitch join an art class? It wanted to learn to draw!
  23. Why did the cricket ball win the lottery? Because it always had a good run!
  24. Why did the cricket pitch become a teacher? It was great at helping students find their field!
  25. Why did the cricket ball start going to church? It felt drawn towards the holy crease!
  26. Why did the cricket pitch break up with its partner? It felt like it was being walked all over!
  27. Why was the cricket pitch voted city’s favorite public spot? Because it always hosted grand slams!
  28. Why did the cricket ball start a blog? It wanted to pen down its fieldwork!
  29. Why was the cricket pitch self-conscious? Because it always got a lot of footfalls!
  30. Why did the cricket pitch start a diet plan? It wanted to cut down on its boundaries!
  31. Why did the cricket ball start knitting? It wanted to weave a yarn!
  32. Why did the cricket ball get a job at a bakery? Because it loved rolling around!
  33. Why did the cricket pitch go to a yoga retreat? It wanted to find its inner peace!
  34. Why did the cricket pitch start a construction company? It was already good at handling contractors!
  35. Why did the cricket pitch join a fitness competition? It wanted to be in the best shape possible!
  36. Why did the cricket pitch write a book? It had lots of stories to tell about catching runs!
  37. Why did the cricket ball go on a blind date? It was hoping for a catch!
  38. Why did the cricket pitch form a debate team? It wanted to break boundaries!
  39. Why did the cricket ball enroll in a cookery class? It wanted to stir up a storm!
  40. Why did the cricket pitch start a gardening club? It loved hosting green meetings!
  41. Why did the cricket pitch hire a housekeeper? It needed help maintaining its greens!
  42. Why did the cricket pitch join a fashion show? It was always trending in squares!
  43. Why did the cricket pitch start going to parties? It loved being the center of attractions!
  44. Why did the cricket ball start a singing career? It was always in tune with the pitch!
  45. Why did the cricket pitch start a gardening business? It had a knack for growing runs!
  46. Why did the cricket ball start a travel blog? It had crossed many boundaries!
  47. Why did the cricket ball publish a poetry book? It was good at spinning rhymes!
  48. Why did the cricket pitch start a meditation class? It was all about finding the balance!
  49. Why did the cricket ball join a mountain climbing expedition? It wanted to reach new heights!
  50. Why did the cricket ball start a motivational speaking career? Because it knew how to bounce back!

Best Puns About Cricket

  1. Why did the cricket ball go to therapy? It had some deep-seated issues.
  2. What do you call a cricketer who’s always dropping catches? Butter fingers Benedict.
  3. I tried to catch some fog yesterday. I mist.
  4. Why don’t cricketers ever have to buy drinks? They always have a few bails out.
  5. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite dessert? Sticky wicket pudding.
  6. I asked the groundskeeper how he kept the pitch so flat. He said it was a lawn and drawn out process.
  7. Why was the cricket bat arrested? For hitting and running.
  8. What do you call a cricketer with a runny nose? A bowler.
  9. I heard the wicketkeeper is quite the ladies’ man. He’s always ready for a catch.
  10. Why did the cricket ball blush? It saw the fine leg.
  11. What’s a cricketer’s favorite type of music? Pitch perfect.
  12. Why was the cricket match so hot? There were no fans.
  13. What do you call a cricketer who’s always getting injured? Hamstrung Hero.
  14. I tried to play cricket underwater once. I was way out of my depth.
  15. Why did the cricket ball go to school? To improve its spin-glish.
  16. What do you call a cricketer who’s always late? Tardy Long-On.
  17. Why was the batsman so good at math? He could handle complex figures.
  18. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite dance? The Dee-cision.
  19. Why did the cricket ball file for divorce? It was tired of being hit on.
  20. What do you call a cricketer who’s always borrowing money? A maiden over-draft.
  21. Why was the cricket pitch covered in chocolate? It was a sticky wicket.
  22. What do you call a cricketer who’s always telling jokes? A slip of the tongue.
  23. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? To work on its bounce.
  24. What’s a cricket commentator’s favorite snack? Microchips.
  25. Why was the cricket match held in a bakery? They needed a good batter.
  26. What do you call a cricketer who’s always arguing? A pitch and moan.
  27. Why did the cricket ball go to the doctor? It had a nasty case of swings.
  28. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite TV show? Law and Order.
  29. Why was the cricket stadium so windy? It was full of fans.
  30. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his mind? A swing bowler.
  31. Why did the cricket ball go to anger management? It had some serious issues with being hit.
  32. What’s a cricket scorer’s favorite drink? Rum and Cola-mn.
  33. Why was the cricket match held in a library? They needed some good covers.
  34. What do you call a cricketer who’s always sleeping on the job? A dozy point.
  35. Why did the cricket ball go to the hair salon? It wanted to improve its spin.
  36. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite food? A square leg of lamb.
  37. Why was the cricket match held in a jewelry store? They needed some good diamonds.
  38. What do you call a cricketer who’s always complaining about the weather? A pitch and moan.
  39. Why did the cricket ball go to the dentist? It had a nasty cavity.
  40. What’s a cricket commentator’s favorite car? A Bowler.
  41. Why was the cricket match held in a forest? They needed some good stumps.
  42. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his clothes? An innings dresser.
  43. Why did the cricket ball go to the optometrist? It couldn’t see the point.
  44. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite movie? The Third Man.
  45. Why was the cricket match held in a garden? They needed some good plants.
  46. What do you call a cricketer who’s always eating? A lunch watchman.
  47. Why did the cricket ball go to the psychic? To see if it had a future in the game.
  48. What’s a cricket scorer’s favorite board game? Runs and Ladders.
  49. Why was the cricket match held in a clock shop? They needed some good timers.
  50. What do you call a cricketer who’s always gossiping? A slip cordon.

Best Cricket One-Liner and Puns

  1. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? It wanted to work on its curves.
  2. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite drink? LBW-hisky.
  3. Why was the cricket match held in a paint store? They needed a good stroke.
  4. What do you call a cricketer who’s always taking selfies? An Insta-gram.
  5. Why did the cricket ball go to the tailor? It needed a new seam.
  6. What’s a cricket commentator’s favorite ice cream flavor? Mic-rophone chip.
  7. Why was the cricket match held in a music store? They needed some good pitches.
  8. What do you call a cricketer who’s always on social media? A Twitter sweeper.
  9. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? It wanted to improve its delivery.
  10. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of cloud? A decision cumulus.
  11. Why was the cricket match held in a boxing ring? They needed a good hook.
  12. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his mind? A reverse sweeper.
  13. Why did the cricket ball go to the therapist? It had some deep-seated issues.
  14. What’s a cricket scorer’s favorite type of music? Tally ho!
  15. Why was the cricket match held in a hardware store? They needed some good handles.
  16. What do you call a cricketer who’s always late? A slow over rate.
  17. Why did the cricket ball go to the fortune teller? To see if it had any spin in its future.
  18. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of hat? A decision cap.
  19. Why was the cricket match held in a casino? They needed some good runs.
  20. What do you call a cricketer who’s always arguing with the umpire? A pitch and appeal.
  21. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? It wanted to work on its swing.
  22. What’s a cricket commentator’s favorite type of cheese? Boundary cheddar.
  23. Why was the cricket match held in a courtroom? They needed some good appeals.
  24. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his shoes? A sole survivor.
  25. Why did the cricket ball go to the beauty salon? It wanted to improve its line and length.
  26. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of dog? A golden retriever.
  27. Why was the cricket match held in a hospital? They needed some good innings.
  28. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his bat? A willow whisperer.
  29. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? It wanted to work on its seam.
  30. What’s a cricket scorer’s favorite type of tree? A run-oak.
  31. Why was the cricket match held in a restaurant? They needed some good catches.
  32. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his gloves? A hand-me-down.
  33. Why did the cricket ball go to the psychologist? It had some boundary issues.
  34. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of fish? A decision sole.
  35. Why was the cricket match held in a theater? They needed some good performances.
  36. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his helmet? A head case.
  37. Why did the cricket ball go to the gym? It wanted to work on its pace.
  38. What’s a cricket commentator’s favorite type of bread? A stumps-seed roll.
  39. Why was the cricket match held in a gym? They needed some good runs.
  40. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his stance? A crease lightning.
  41. Why did the cricket ball go to the dentist? It had a nasty hook.
  42. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of weather? A fair catch.
  43. Why was the cricket match held in a library? They needed some good reviews.
  44. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his field? A position impossible.
  45. Why did the cricket ball go to the hairdresser? It wanted to work on its cut.
  46. What’s a cricket scorer’s favorite type of flower? A run-unculus.
  47. Why was the cricket match held in a laundromat? They needed some good spin.
  48. What do you call a cricketer who’s always changing his grip? A handle with care.
  49. Why did the cricket ball go to the mechanic? It had some alignment issues.
  50. What’s a cricket umpire’s favorite type of sandwich? A decision club.

Final Words:

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Hey, I am Chetan Kumar owner of Punss.com. I made this site to add humor to your life. I love to laugh and I am pretty sure you do too. So let's share some jokes, puns and funny nicknames. Let's make each second joyful.
