200+ Funny Biology Puns And One-Liners

Are you looking for some funny biology puns? Well, you’ve just entered the nucleus of humor! Today, we’ve dissected the best, most clever biology puns just for you.

We all love sharing funny biology puns, but let’s face it—coming up with them can be as tricky as unraveling DNA. That’s why we’ve put together the cleverest, wittiest ones for you to enjoy and share with your friends. Get ready to “cell-ebrate” some laughs!

Funny Biology puns

Biology Puns
  1. I told a biology joke to an amoeba, but it wasn’t a big hit—it just split!
  2. Why can’t you trust an atom? Because they make up everything!
  3. The mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell, but it really needs to work on its night shift jokes.
  4. What did one DNA strand say to the other? “Do these genes make me look fat?”
  5. When the mitochondria threw a party, it was because they wanted to get energized!
  6. The ribosome turned itself into a top chef because it could really whip up some proteins!
  7. Biology students never get lost—they always find their way with their cell maps!
  8. If you’re under stress, just remember: even the nucleus has a breakdown now and then.
  9. Why did the plant go to therapy? It had too many issues with its roots.
  10. Biologists have the most organized parties; they always know how to cell-ebrate!
  11. Why was the biology book so confident? It had all the right cells!
  12. What did the xylem say to the phloem? “I’m your biggest stem supporter!”
  13. Why did the skeleton refuse to fight? It didn’t have the guts.
  14. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum started a punk band; they called themselves “Synth & Lipids.”
  15. You can’t blame the Punnett square for having squares for parents.
  16. Are biologists excellent poker players? No, they’re always folding under peer pressure!
  17. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  18. I took a fish to the laboratory, but it had no sole.
  19. The frog never got sick because he had a hoppy-immune system.
  20. Why did the chromosomes go to therapy? They couldn’t pair up!
  21. A neuron walked into a bar and forgot why it was there.
  22. When the flower saw its reflection, it was a budding narcissist.
  23. I’ve got a cellular joke…but it’s a little cheesy.
  24. Why are bacteria good at math? They know all about multiplying.
  25. Biology classes are cool because they’re always cutting up, especially during dissection!
  26. What do you call a talkative flower? A babbling bloom.
  27. Be careful around cliffs; that’s where evolution has the most gravity.
  28. Why didn’t the fungus go to school? It was spore-atic.
  29. I tried to buy some brain cells, but they were all out of stock.
  30. In the animal kingdom, the canines are the top dogs.
  31. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity; it’s impossible to put down!
  32. The biology teacher brought in a live cell—talk about show and tell.
  33. Why did the circulatory system break up with the respiratory system? Too much gaslighting.
  34. The heart and brain had an argument. The heart said, “I just need some space!”
  35. Why do giraffes have long necks? Because their coffee cups are on the top shelf.
  36. How do biologists greet each other? “Cell-o!”
  37. Why don’t plants ever turn up late? They always root for promptness.
  38. The skeleton didn’t go to work; it called in sick without a body.
  39. Why was the biology book feeling down? It was tired of being shelved.
  40. Chromosomes love sharing memes because they’re into genetic drift.
  41. The biology teacher didn’t like photosynthesis at first, but she came around to it.
  42. Why do mitochondria still go to the gym? Energy never comes easy!
  43. How does a biologist organize a party? They always have a cellular plan.
  44. I asked a biologist for grade advice, and they said, “Cell yourself short!”
  45. Did you hear about the biologist who won the lottery? Now, they’re a cell-ebration!
  46. Why was the leaf always happy? It was living a green life.
  47. Do you know why the study of DNA is such a popular major? It’s in high demand!
  48. The virus threw a party—it was a real hit until it went viral.
  49. How does a biologist text in shorthand? “DNA you busy?”
  50. Darwin said it best: Beak performance is for survival of the fittest.
  51. The butterfly couldn’t stop laughing—it was a real metamorphic moment.
  52. Why did the biologist break up with the geologist? Too many rocky relationships.
  53. How are cells like comedians? They divide audiences with their humor.
  54. Why don’t biologists ever get bored? Because life keeps evolving!
  55. What do bacteria write in their notebooks? Cell-pads of notes!
  56. Why did the amoeba fail its math test? It kept dividing wrong.
  57. In the lab, the enzymes were the original speed-daters.
  58. The anatomy book spoke up: “Spine-tingling, isn’t it?”
  59. Why are carnivores such great musicians? They’ve got that bass instinct.
  60. The paramecium started a podcast, but it never got past the third episode—it didn’t have any structure.
  61. Why did the scientist order more mitochondria? They needed some extra energy on the side.
  62. When the plant heard the joke, it leafed with laughter.
  63. The biology class was so confusing, even the instructor was a cellular mess.
  64. The beetroot became a detective—it had deep roots in solving crimes.
  65. The double helix didn’t mind its twisted lifestyle; it said it added character.
  66. When the bacteria opened a dating app, it was an instant culture!
  67. Why couldn’t the biology book sleep? It had too many open chapters in life.
  68. The neuron couldn’t stop texting: It had a lot of potential connections.
  69. The plant attended night school—it wanted a little photosynthesis after hours.
  70. Why did the biologist invite the chemist to a party? Because without good chemistry, the conversation would just fizzle out!
  71. Why don’t biologists play hide and seek? They always find a gene!
  72. The amoeba went on a diet, but all it did was split its meals.
  73. Even phytoplankton get stressed; they need algae time!
  74. Why are viruses excellent at computers? Because they always have a bug!
  75. The carbon atom felt insecure—it didn’t feel like it was in its element.
  76. The cell said to its friend, “Stop dividing yourself! You’re enough as you are.”
  77. The blood cells went to the gym because they wanted to stay in circulatory shape.
  78. The Venus flytrap hates social events; it’s always feeling so trapped.
  79. When DNA went sky-diving, everyone knew it would be a “free fall.”
  80. The biology test was so easy, it felt like a cellular breeze.
  81. The ecosystem threw a welcome party, and everyone was in their natural habitats.
  82. The biologist’s favorite magazine? National Geographic—they love all the features.
  83. The enzyme had a lot of friends—they were always bonding.
  84. When the frog could finally jump high, it said, “Amphibi-ous to the future!”
  85. The plant loved vacationing in the desert—it was a real succa for sand!
  86. When protozoa have a race, they really know how to flagella their competition.
  87. Why did the leaf bring a suitcase? Because it was going to branch out.
  88. For cells, a bad breakup is just part of cytokenesis.
  89. The DNA strand loved rollercoasters—it had lots of twists and turns.
  90. When mosquitos throw a party, it’s always a big buzzkill.
  91. The mitochondria got tipsy at the wedding—they had too many shots of ATP!
  92. The skeleton couldn’t write a book—it couldn’t find the spine to do it.
  93. The flower joined a choir—turns out it had perfect pitch.
  94. Why are biologists terrible at mountains? They just can’t summit.
  95. The gene went shopping; it was looking for the perfect pair of alleles.
  96. Bacteria make terrible reporters; their stories are always full of germs.
  97. The mitochondria loved pop music because of all the cell beats.
  98. In the world of biology, nothing is more dramatic than a cellular divide.
  99. Why was the herbivore always calm? Meditation and lots of leaf.
  100. The lecture on cellular cohesion was a big hit—it really stuck to the students!

Short Biology Puns

  1. Cell division gives me split feelings.
  2. Leaf it to photosynthesis, plant.
  3. Biologists have all the genes.
  4. Mitochondria: Powerhouse of the cell.
  5. Genes are in fashion always.
  6. Cells love to split parties.
  7. DNA: Life’s true double feature.
  8. Organelles throw cellular block parties.
  9. Ribosomes make proteins like chefs.
  10. Bacteria’s favorite dish? Petri, obviously.
  11. Amoebas have split personalities, literally.
  12. Bones hate the living room.
  13. Viruses always go viral quickly.
  14. DNA strands are intertwined stories.
  15. Fungi always spore great conversations.
  16. Proteins are all about structure.
  17. Enzymes break it down, always.
  18. Atoms make up every joke.
  19. Skeletons are real bone-afide structures.
  20. Plants have their own roots.
  21. Cells always know their nucleus.
  22. Fossils are history’s greatest hits.
  23. Viruses never RSVP, just invade.
  24. Chloroplasts love to soak light.
  25. Genes: Life’s blueprint, no construction.
  26. Bacteria divide, conquer, and repeat.
  27. Nervous systems have shocking responses.
  28. Organs play life’s best music.
  29. Neurons fire up conversations, literally.
  30. Germaphobes hate bacterial culture shock.
  31. DNA strands love being complementary.
  32. Plants have deep-seeded connections.
  33. Cells never stop growing, ever.
  34. Mitosis: Let’s split, but stay together.
  35. Biology is life’s lab manual.
  36. Skeletons never go out of style.
  37. Viruses are just DNA freeloaders.
  38. Fungi: Nature’s little decomposing stars.
  39. Amino acids: Building blocks, seriously.
  40. Plants always turn over leaves.
  41. Cells replicate faster than rumors.
  42. Chromosomes love crossing over, genetically.
  43. Organelles are cells’ little workers.
  44. Genes carry traits like luggage.
  45. Skeletons hate boneyard parties, really.
  46. Mitochondria energize cellular parties, always.
  47. Neurons never miss a signal.
  48. Viruses love to crash systems.
  49. Biologists love microscopic conversations.
  50. Proteins shape life’s daily routines.
  51. Bacteria spread news like wildfire.
  52. Cell walls keep everything contained.
  53. Chlorophyll keeps plants looking green.
  54. Nucleotides are DNA’s building blocks.
  55. Genes are inherited life instructions.
  56. Biology: Life’s most interesting story.
  57. Molecules make up everything, seriously.
  58. Nervous systems always stay wired.
  59. Bacteria are nature’s tiny recyclers.
  60. Viruses love to jump species.
  61. Cells have great communication channels.
  62. Fungi have their own networks.
  63. Genetics is all about variation.
  64. Proteins are life’s little builders.
  65. Biologists always have great insights.
  66. Chromosomes love genetic crossover events.
  67. Cells divide but stay united.
  68. Neurons fire like electric circuits.
  69. Mitochondria are energy-packed organelles.
  70. DNA strands love to twist.
  71. Proteins have complex folding issues.
  72. Plants grow with light’s guidance.
  73. Skeletons support all bodily functions.
  74. Viruses never ask for permission.
  75. Cells work in perfect harmony.
  76. Genes express themselves under pressure.
  77. Bacteria replicate faster than gossip.
  78. Neurons are quick on reflexes.
  79. Fungi grow in the dark.
  80. Mitochondria always keep cells powered.
  81. Biologists discover life’s hidden secrets.
  82. Organelles have specialized job duties.
  83. Cells communicate through chemical signals.
  84. Viruses replicate without personal space.
  85. Skeletons are always in shape.
  86. DNA is life’s unique signature.
  87. Chromosomes carry important genetic information.
  88. Proteins are life’s hardworking molecules.
  89. Cells thrive in perfect environments.
  90. Neurons transmit messages rapidly, always.
  91. Mitosis is cellular division’s star.
  92. Genes code life’s intricate details.
  93. Bacteria multiply like math wizards.
  94. Fungi love to decompose everything.
  95. Biologists study life’s amazing diversity.
  96. Cells rely on organized systems.
  97. Viruses adapt to survive, always.
  98. Skeletons form life’s basic framework.
  99. DNA mutations create unique traits.
  100. Organelles keep cells fully functional.

Captions for Biology Puns

  1. Why did the biologist go on a diet? He wanted to reduce his cell size!
  2. What do you call an educated cell? A smart cell, of course!
  3. Why was the biology book so full of itself? It had all the genes.
  4. How do you organize a biology party? You cell-abrate with your friends!
  5. What did the biologist say when he found a new species? “I’m in awe of the cell-f!”
  6. Why was the biology student always calm? He had great cell control.
  7. How do you fix a broken biologist? With cell therapy.
  8. What did the bacterium say when it hit a wall? “I’m in a jam!”
  9. Why did the DNA strand break up with the RNA strand? It needed some space!
  10. What’s a biologist’s favorite type of music? Cell-o music.
  11. Why did the plant feel so refreshed? It just had a little chlorophyll!
  12. How does a biologist relax after work? By doing some cell-f care.
  13. Why was the amoeba so good at multitasking? It had a lot of organelles.
  14. What did one cell say to the other? “You’re looking mitotically fine today!”
  15. How do you catch a unique bacteria? Unique up on it!
  16. What do you call a nervous cell? A jittery cytoplasm!
  17. Why did the biologist break up with the virus? It was too infectious.
  18. What’s a cell’s favorite movie? “The Cell.”
  19. Why did the fungi break up with the bacteria? It just couldn’t handle the germs.
  20. How does a biologist go to work? In a cell-ular vehicle.
  21. Why are biologists so good at math? They know how to add up cells.
  22. What’s a plant’s favorite type of footwear? Chlorophyll sandals.
  23. Why did the biologist go to the beach? To catch some rays!
  24. What’s a cell’s favorite social media platform? Cytoplasm-ing.
  25. Why did the ribosome stay at home? It needed a break from all the translation.
  26. What do you call an insect that’s good at math? A multiplying bug!
  27. Why don’t biologists play hide and seek? Because good cells are always in plain sight.
  28. What did the biologist say at the comedy club? “I’m all about those cell-ular jokes!”
  29. What did the mitochondrion say to the cell? “I’m the powerhouse of this operation!”
  30. Why was the biology book so exciting? It had all the cell-f drama.
  31. What did the gene say to the chromosome? “You make me feel like a pro-tein!”
  32. How do bacteria stay in shape? They do lots of cell-ercises.
  33. What’s a cell’s favorite drink? A cellular cocktail.
  34. Why do plants hate math? It gives them too many square roots.
  35. What’s a biologist’s favorite type of movie? Anything with cell-f aware-ness!
  36. Why did the biologist cross the road? To get to the other cell.
  37. What did the cell say to the virus? “You’re not my type!”
  38. Why was the biology exam so hard? It was full of cell-fish questions.
  39. What did the biologist do at the party? He mixed with the cells!
  40. How do plants learn to read? They take leaf-ing lessons.
  41. What’s a cell’s favorite game? Hide and “cyto-seek.”
  42. Why did the biologist start a band? To explore cell-o music!
  43. What do you call a cell that tells tall tales? A mitotic liar.
  44. Why was the cell always calm? It had a lot of cell-therapy.
  45. What did the gene say to the cell membrane? “You make my proteins stand out!”
  46. How did the biologist feel after the experiment? He was feeling quite cell-f confident.
  47. Why did the mitochondrion break up with the nucleus? It needed more space to generate energy.
  48. What’s a biologist’s favorite candy? Jelly “cells.”
  49. What did the plant say to the biologist? “I’m feeling a bit chlorophyll.”
  50. Why did the biologist visit the dentist? To get a new cell-fill!
  51. What do you call a sarcastic cell? A ribosomal comment-maker.
  52. How does a biologist catch a virus? By setting a trap with some bait-eria!
  53. What’s a plant’s favorite type of clothing? Leaf-prints.
  54. Why did the biologist go to the gym? To build up his cell-trophy!
  55. What did the virus say to the bacteria? “You’re so infectious, I can’t resist!”
  56. How does a biologist stay in shape? He takes a lot of cell-phones.
  57. Why did the gene need a vacation? It needed to unwind and de-condense!
  58. What’s a cell’s favorite movie genre? Drama-cytos.
  59. Why did the plant go to therapy? It had too many roots issues.
  60. What’s a biologist’s favorite food? Cell-ery sticks.
  61. Why did the biologist keep a diary? To track his cell-f growth.
  62. What did the cell say to the nucleus? “You’re the reason I’m so organized!”
  63. Why did the biologist love cooking? He enjoyed making cell-salads.
  64. What’s a cell’s favorite form of entertainment? Cellular TV shows.
  65. How did the biologist get rich? He invested in cell stocks!
  66. Why did the cell apply for a job? To get a better cell-ary!
  67. What do you call a biologist who is always calm? A cell-f made man.
  68. Why was the biologist’s house so clean? He was a master of cell-ular housekeeping!
  69. What did the biologist say at the gym? “I’m just here to build some cell-f esteem.”
  70. Why did the amoeba avoid the party? It was a bit too cell-ular.
  71. How does a plant cheer up? With a little bit of chlorophyll humor.
  72. What did the biologist say about the cell’s outfit? “You look fantastic in your cell-fie!”
  73. Why don’t biologists play poker? They can’t handle the cell-bluffing.
  74. How does a biologist stay positive? By focusing on the cell-f.
  75. What did the biologist say to the experiment? “You’re the cell-ebrity of the lab!”
  76. Why did the plant avoid the light? It needed a little cell-f time.
  77. What’s a cell’s favorite sport? Volleyball, because of the cell membrane!
  78. Why was the bacteria so popular? It always knew how to cell-ebrate!
  79. What’s a cell’s favorite holiday? Cell-ebration Day.
  80. Why did the plant start a blog? To talk about its leaf-ies!
  81. What did the biologist say to the cell at the party? “You’re the life of the cell-ebration!”
  82. How does a cell fix a flat tire? With some cytoplasm glue.
  83. Why was the biologist’s car so clean? He had cell-ulose cleaner.
  84. What’s a plant’s favorite exercise? Leaf-ting.
  85. Why did the biologist bring a ladder? To reach new heights in cell biology!
  86. What did the biologist say when he was asked for advice? “I always have a cell-f-helpful tip!”
  87. What’s a cell’s favorite snack? Cell-ery sticks with dip.
  88. Why did the biologist fail the test? He couldn’t cell-ibrate correctly.
  89. How does a biologist stay cool? By keeping things at a cell-ular temperature.
  90. What did the cell say to the plant? “You’re looking sharp in your chlorophyll green!”
  91. Why did the biologist get a promotion? His cell-f esteem was through the roof!
  92. What’s a cell’s favorite type of humor? Cellular jokes, of course!
  93. How do you make a biologist laugh? Tell them a pun about their cells!
  94. Why did the biologist love math? Because it’s full of cell-f expressions.
  95. What’s a plant’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat-leaf.
  96. Why did the cell go to school? To improve its cell-ular knowledge!
  97. What did the cell say to the virus at the party? “You’re too infectious

Question-Based Puns Related to Biology

  1. What did the biologist wear to impress their date? Cell-f esteem!
  2. Why did the cell go to school? To get a little cell-f education!
  3. How does a plant start its day? With a little chlorophyll, of course!
  4. Why do biologists never get lost? Because they always follow the cell-ular maps!
  5. What’s a cell’s favorite form of entertainment? Cytoplasmic TV!
  6. Why was the biology book always calm? Because it had all the answers in its cell-f!
  7. What did the mitochondrion say to the cell? “Do you feel the energy?”
  8. Why did the plant go to the gym? To work on its leaf-ting skills!
  9. What’s a biologist’s favorite type of humor? Cell-f humor!
  10. Why did the DNA strand feel so accomplished? Because it finally got its double helix degree!
  11. What did the cell say to the virus at the party? “Are you trying to invade my space?”
  12. How does a biologist relax after a long day? With some cell-f care!
  13. Why did the cell break up with the virus? It needed some space!
  14. How do you organize a cell’s wardrobe? By using a nucleus organizer!
  15. Why did the plant get a promotion? It had the best chlorophyll job performance!
  16. What did the gene say to the chromosome? “Do you want to be my partner in protein production?”
  17. Why did the biologist get into gardening? To grow their cell-f esteem!
  18. What’s a cell’s favorite type of party? A mitosis mixer!
  19. Why did the biologist go to therapy? To work on their cell-f confidence issues!
  20. How did the biologist feel about their new project? They were positively charged!
  21. What’s a plant’s favorite type of exercise? Leaf-squats!
  22. Why did the biologist bring a ladder to the lab? To reach the top of the cell culture!
  23. What do you call a cell that’s always ready for a joke? A ribosomal comedian!
  24. Why did the amoeba avoid the race? It didn’t want to divide its attention!
  25. How do you make a cell laugh? Tell it a ribosomal joke!
  26. What did the biologist say when they saw the new species? “This is cell-f fulfillment!”
  27. Why did the plant go to the doctor? It had too many root issues!
  28. What’s a cell’s favorite social media platform? Cytoplasmic Connect!
  29. Why did the biologist join the orchestra? To play the cell-o!
  30. What do you call a cell that likes to work out? A fit-osis cell!
  31. Why was the cell always so relaxed? It practiced regular cell-therapy!
  32. How do you keep a plant from getting cold? Put on some leaf warmers!
  33. Why did the gene need a break? It was feeling a bit over-expressed!
  34. What’s a biologist’s favorite drink? Cell-ery juice!
  35. How did the cell get its job? It had excellent cell-f presentation!
  36. Why was the mitochondrion so good at sports? It had great energy!
  37. What did the plant say to the biologist? “I’m really into chlorophyll!”
  38. How does a cell stay organized? By using a mitosis calendar!
  39. What’s a biologist’s favorite vacation spot? The cell-f islands!
  40. Why did the plant get an award? It was outstanding in its field!
  41. How do bacteria stay in shape? They do lots of cell-ercises!
  42. What did the biologist say about their new cell phone? “It’s all about the cell-fie quality!”
  43. Why did the DNA molecule go to the party? To unwind and have a good time!
  44. How do you know if a cell is a good cook? It always has the right mix of proteins!
  45. What’s a biologist’s favorite holiday? Cell-ebration Day!
  46. Why did the ribosome break up with the RNA? It couldn’t handle the constant transcription!
  47. What’s a cell’s favorite sport? Cell-ball!
  48. Why did the biologist get excited about their project? It had a lot of potential for cell-f growth!
  49. How does a cell stay positive? By maintaining a good cytoplasmic balance!
  50. What did the biologist say at the comedy show? “I’m here for some ribosomal laughs!”

Knock Knock Puns related Biology

  1. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cell who?
    Cell-abrate good times, come on!
  2. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Gene who?
    Gene you glad you opened the door?
  3. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Bacteria who?
    Bacteria is too slow to knock, so I’m just here!
  4. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Plant who?
    Plant a kiss on me, it’s Valentine’s Day!
  5. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Mitochondrion who?
    Mitochondrion you think I’d knock twice?
  6. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Ribosome who?
    Ribosome to tell you a joke!
  7. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Amoeba who?
    Amoeba the best at answering doors!
  8. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    DNA who?
    DNA the best at telling jokes?
  9. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Nucleus who?
    Nucleus of all the fun!
  10. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Chlorophyll who?
    Chlorophyll your day with laughter!
  11. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Chromosome who?
    Chromosome you’d like to see me!
  12. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Fungi who?
    Fungi to be around!
  13. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Enzyme who?
    Enzyme to open the door!
  14. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Eukaryote who?
    Eukaryote want to hear a joke?
  15. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cytoplasm who?
    Cytoplasm-ing my way through!
  16. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Viral who?
    Viral you’re waiting for?
  17. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cell-wall who?
    Cell-wall you let me in?
  18. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Mitosis who?
    Mitosis-tically, I’m here to joke!
  19. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Phloem who?
    Phloem where’s the party?
  20. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Antibody who?
    Antibody home?
  21. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Protozoa who?
    Protozoa your door open for me?
  22. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Sporophyte who?
    Sporophyte I’m just here to visit!
  23. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Vacuole who?
    Vacuole of my jokes!
  24. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cilia who?
    Cilia-ting if you’re home!
  25. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Tissue who?
    Tissue of you to answer the door!
  26. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Helix who?
    Helix-ing you to open up!
  27. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Mitochondria who?
    Mitochondria you’re not answering!
  28. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Zygote who?
    Zygote you let me in?
  29. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Gene who?
    Gene-ius answer the door!
  30. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Algae who?
    Algae-t to say hello!
  31. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Ribosome who?
    Ribosome in the mood for a joke!
  32. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Histone who?
    Histone to tell you a funny story!
  33. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cloroplast who?
    Cloroplast I’m here to chat!
  34. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Protease who?
    Protease you open up!
  35. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Tropism who?
    Tropism to see you today!
  36. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Osmosis who?
    Osmosis-ly, I’m here to have fun!
  37. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Nucleus who?
    Nucleus you open the door for me?
  38. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Biome who?
    Biome sweet home!
  39. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Sperm who?
    Sperm-ically, I’m here for a visit!
  40. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Ecosystem who?
    Ecosystem of a good time!
  41. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Pollen who?
    Pollen for you to answer the door!
  42. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Petal who?
    Petal to the metal, I’m here!
  43. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Lysosome who?
    Lysosome who’s excited to see you!
  44. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Viral who?
    Viral you waiting for?
  45. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Chlorophyll who?
    Chlorophyll your day with fun!
  46. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Protein who?
    Protein you open up?
  47. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Fungi who?
    Fungi to see you!
  48. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Cell who?
    Cell-abrate by opening the door!
  49. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Algae who?
    Algae-t you to let me in!
  50. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Enzyme who?
    Enzyme your door open for me!

Final Words

Hey, I am Chetan Kumar owner of Punss.com. I made this site to add humor to your life. I love to laugh and I am pretty sure you do too. So let's share some jokes, puns and funny nicknames. Let's make each second joyful.
