200+ Cycling Puns For Cycling Lovers

Are you looking for some funny cycling puns? If yes, you are in the right place. Today we collected some of the cutest cycling puns. We all love watching cycling sports. It is one of the most exciting sports in the world. From up and down this sport gives a thrill to its viewers. But there is something more thrilling about this sport. And it is called cycle puns. These puns are very helpful in making your game even more interesting.

Top Funny Cycling Puns

Cycling Puns
  1. I tried to ride my bike in the snow, but it just couldn’t handle the chill!
  2. Why did the bicycle go to the psychic? To get its future spoke.
  3. What do you call a cyclist who’s always borrowing money? A free wheeler.
  4. Why did the bicycle go to the dentist? It needed a tune-up for its gears.
  5. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing lanes? A swerve-ivor.
  6. Why did the bicycle cross the road? To get to the other side, obviously!
  7. I thought about painting my bike, but I didn’t want to change its colors!
  8. Why did the cyclist bring a ladder to the race? He wanted to reach new heights.
  9. My bike and I have a great relationship; we’re always on the same pedal!
  10. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t get a-head.
  11. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t handle the ups and downs.
  12. What do you call a bike that loves to party? A wheelie good time!
  13. My bike is like a good friend; it always supports me when I’m down!
  14. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing directions? A switch hitter.
  15. I entered a pun contest about bicycles. I figured I’d spoke my mind.
  16. When it comes to cycling, I’m always in gear!
  17. What do you call a bike that’s always telling jokes? A pun-derful ride!
  18. I tried to ride my bike and sing at the same time, but it was a flat performance!
  19. I wanted to ride my bike to the gym, but it said it was already in shape!
  20. What do you call a bicycle that can’t stop telling stories? A spin doctor!
  21. Why did the bicycle go to the beach? To work on its tan-dem lines.
  22. I wanted to take a long ride, but my bike said it was too tired!
  23. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making predictions? A fortune rider.
  24. I wanted to ride my bike through the park, but it just wanted to take a shortcut!
  25. What did the bicycle say to the mountain? “You’re really putting me to the test!”
  26. I wanted to ride my bike across town, but I didn’t have the energy to pedal!
  27. I thought about getting a new bike, but I didn’t want to break the bank!
  28. What do you call a cyclist who’s always taking breaks? A chain smoker.
  29. I wanted to take my bike to the beach, but it didn’t want to get sand in its gears!
  30. I tried to steal a bicycle, but the owner caught me red-handed. It was a vicious cycle.
  31. Why did the bicycle go to the spa? It needed some chain relaxation.
  32. I tried to join a cycling team, but they said I was too much of a lone wolf!
  33. Why did the cyclist get kicked out of the bar? They couldn’t stop wheeling and dealing!
  34. I told my bike I needed a break, but it just wheeled away!
  35. I tried to ride my bike uphill, but it just wanted to coast down!
  36. I tried to ride my bicycle underwater, but it was too current for me.
  37. Why did the cyclist always carry a map? They didn’t want to get lost in translation!
  38. I wanted to impress my friends with my cycling skills, but I just ended up spinning my wheels.
  39. I tried to ride my bicycle on ice, but it was too slick for me.
  40. What do you call a cyclist who’s always telling stories? A tall tale rider.
  41. Why do cyclists love the outdoors? Because they can’t resist the call of the wild!
  42. I tried to buy a used bicycle, but it was too much to handlebar-gain for.
  43. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t find my balance.
  44. Why do cyclists make terrible secret agents? They can’t stop spilling the beans!
  45. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t get a grip on it.
  46. What do you call a bike that’s always complaining? A whine-cycle!
  47. Why did the cyclist bring a telescope to the race? To see the long-term perspective.
  48. Why did the cyclist always carry a ladder? To reach new heights!
  49. Why did the cyclist bring a guitar to the race? He wanted to pedal some tunes.
  50. I wanted to ride my bike into the sunset, but it just wanted to stay in the light!

Most Funniest Cycling Puns

  1. I tried to ride my bicycle on the moon, but there wasn’t enough air in my tires.
  2. I tried to ride my bicycle on a tightrope, but it was too much of a balancing act.
  3. I wanted to take my bike on a vacation, but it just wanted to stay home!
  4. Why did the bicycle refuse to move? It was two-tired!
  5. What do you call a cycling competition in the jungle? A bike-a-thon!
  6. What did the bike say to the road? “You’re really paving the way!”
  7. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t handle the pressure.
  8. What did the bike say to the hill? “You’re really putting me to the test!”
  9. Why did the cyclist get a promotion? They really knew how to pedal their way to success!
  10. I asked my bike how it was feeling, and it said, “I’m just wheelie tired!”
  11. What do you call a cyclist who’s always taking risks? A dare-devil rider.
  12. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing teams? A free agent rider.
  13. Why did the cyclist bring a camera to the race? To capture the moment.
  14. I tried to ride my bicycle in a tornado, but it was too much of a whirlwind.
  15. I tried to ride my bike at night, but I couldn’t find my way in the dark!
  16. What do you call a cyclist who works at a restaurant? A pedal server.
  17. I wanted to ride my bike through the city, but it just wanted to take the back roads!
  18. Why did the cyclist bring a magnifying glass to the race? To inspect the finer details.
  19. I tried to ride my bicycle through a car wash, but it was too much to handle.
  20. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t keep up with the pace.
  21. I tried to ride my bike while juggling, but it was a balancing act!
  22. Why did the cyclist always carry a camera? To capture the moments on the go!
  23. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing colors? A chameleon rider.
  24. I thought about getting a tandem bike, but I didn’t want to share the spotlight!
  25. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing direction? A re-route rider.
  26. What do you call a cyclist who’s always taking detours? A by-cycler.
  27. I wanted to start a cycling club, but it just didn’t have the right momentum.
  28. What do you call a cyclist who’s always falling off? A tumble dry-er.
  29. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t pedal my way to the top.
  30. What do you call a cyclist who’s always taking selfies? A photo finish-er.
  31. What did the bike say to the car? “You’re really driving me crazy!”
  32. I thought about getting a new bike, but I couldn’t find the right frame of mind!
  33. What do you call a cyclist who’s always winning? A wheel deal.
  34. Why did the bicycle fall over? It was two-tired!
  35. Why did the cyclist bring string to the race? To tie up loose ends!
  36. Why did the cyclist bring a blanket? They wanted to stay cozy on the road!
  37. Why do cyclists love their bikes? Because they always have their back!
  38. Why did the cyclist always carry a pencil? To draw the line at shortcuts!
  39. Why did the bicycle go to therapy? It had too many spokes-persons.
  40. I told my bike I was feeling down, and it said, “Let’s pedal our way to happiness!”
  41. Why did the cyclist bring a calculator to the race? To crunch some numbers.
  42. Why did the cyclist bring a mirror to the race? For some self-reflection.
  43. I tried to ride my bicycle in a hurricane, but it blew me away.
  44. I tried to ride my bicycle on a cloud, but it was too fluffy to gain traction.
  45. What do you call a cyclist who’s always in a hurry? Rushin’ hour.
  46. What do you call a bike that tells jokes? A pun-cycle!
  47. I tried to ride my bicycle backwards, but it was just too re-tire-ing.
  48. Why do cyclists never get lost? They always follow the path of least resistance!
  49. What do you call a bike that’s always late? A slow-poke!
  50. I tried to ride my bike in a straight line, but it just wanted to zigzag!

Best Puns About Cycling

  1. What do you call a cyclist with a sense of humor? Rim shot.
  2. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t break away from my day job.
  3. Why did the cyclist always carry a pencil? In case they needed to draw a line!
  4. I wanted to ride my bike through a tunnel, but I got stuck in a cycle of doubt!
  5. What do you call a bike that’s always getting into trouble? A cycle-path!
  6. Why did the bicycle go to school? To get more educated on its cycles.
  7. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making bets? A gamble rider.
  8. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing speeds? A gear-shifter.
  9. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t find my true calling.
  10. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t keep my chain of thought.
  11. I tried to come up with a bicycle pun, but I couldn’t keep my balance.
  12. I wanted to ride my bike to work, but it just wanted to take a day off!
  13. I wanted to take my bike on an adventure, but it just wanted to stay home!
  14. Why did the cyclist always carry a snack? To fuel their ride!
  15. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making trades? A wheel and dealer.
  16. Why did the bicycle go to the gym? To work on its cycle-abs.
  17. Why did the cyclist always wear a helmet? To protect their noggin from bad ideas!
  18. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t get my bearings straight.
  19. What do you call a cyclist who’s always complaining? A whine rider.
  20. Why did the cyclist break up with their partner? They just couldn’t handle the ups and downs!
  21. Why did the cyclist bring a compass to the race? To find his true north.
  22. Why did the bicycle refuse to play cards? Because it was afraid of getting a flat!
  23. I wanted to take a scenic route, but my bike insisted on going straight to the point!
  24. Why did the bicycle go to the art gallery? It wanted to see some spoke-traiture.
  25. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making repairs? A fix-it rider.
  26. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I didn’t have the wheels to succeed.
  27. My bike is my therapist; it always helps me pedal through tough times.
  28. What do you call a bicycle built for a king? A royal cycle.
  29. Why did the bicycle go to therapy? It had too many spokes-men.
  30. What do you call a bike that loves to travel? A wander-cycle!
  31. Why did the cyclist bring a ruler to the race? To measure up to the competition.
  32. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making jokes? A stand-up comedian.
  33. I tried to ride my bicycle through a black hole, but it was too much of a gravity-defying act.
  34. I tried to ride my bicycle on a rainbow, but it was too slippery to gain traction.
  35. I tried to ride my bike without a seat, but it was a pain in the rear!
  36. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making music? A pedal-tone artist.
  37. Why did the cyclist always carry a spare tire? In case of a flat-out emergency!
  38. Why did the cyclist bring a pump to the party? To inflate his ego.
  39. Why did the bicycle go to the bar? It was feeling flat.
  40. What do you call a bicycle made by a famous physicist? Albert Spokes-Einstein.
  41. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t get my act in gear.
  42. My bike has a great sense of humor; it always cracks me up with its spokes!
  43. Why don’t bikes stand up by themselves? They’re two-tired!
  44. I tried to teach my bike to dance, but it just couldn’t find the right rhythm!
  45. I tried to ride my bicycle in the dark, but I couldn’t see the point.
  46. Why did the bicycle go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit run down.
  47. What do you call a bicycle that tells jokes? A cyclomedian.
  48. Why did the cyclist bring a calendar to the race? To keep track of his cycles.
  49. I’m thinking of opening a cycling shop. I’m just trying to handle bar expectations.
  50. What did the bike say to the hill? “You’re really raising the stakes!”

Funny Cycling Puns For Instagram

  1. What do you call a cyclist who’s always arguing? A pedal pusher.
  2. What do you call a cyclist who’s always eating? A chain chewer.
  3. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, even bicycles!
  4. Why don’t bicycles ever have any money? They’re always broke.
  5. I tried to ride my bike while eating, but it was a recipe for disaster!
  6. Why did the cyclist refuse to ride at night? He was two-tired!
  7. Why did the cyclist bring a thesaurus to the race? To find some synonyms for “victory.”
  8. I bought a new bike, but it’s so fancy I’m afraid to take it out for a spin!
  9. I wanted to ride my bike in the rain, but it just didn’t have the drive!
  10. Why did the cyclist bring a dictionary to the race? He wanted to define his strategy.
  11. What do you call a bike that’s always getting into trouble? A rebel-tion!
  12. I wanted to be a professional cyclist, but I couldn’t make the grade.
  13. Why did the cyclist bring a cookbook to the race? He wanted to whip up some speed.
  14. I entered a cycling race, but I didn’t win. I guess I’ll have to pedal my excuses elsewhere.
  15. I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.
  16. I tried to take my bike for a spin, but it just wanted to coast!
  17. What do you call a cyclist who’s always late? Rushin’.
  18. What do you call a cyclist who’s always making excuses? A spin doctor.
  19. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing jobs? A career rider.
  20. Why did the bicycle go to the library? To brush up on its cycle-pedia.
  21. I tried to ride my bike while talking on the phone, but it was a recipe for disaster!
  22. What do you call a cyclist who’s always changing gears? A shifty character.
  23. Why did the bicycle go to the comedy club? It wanted to work on its spokesman-ship!
  24. What do you call a bike that loves to dance? A groove-cycle!
  25. I tried to teach my bike to swim, but it just kept sinking!
  26. I wanted to ride my bike to the concert, but it just wanted to stay in tune!
  27. I wanted to ride my bike to the beach, but it just wanted to stay dry!
  28. Why can’t bicycles stand up by themselves? Because they’re too tired!
  29. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
  30. Why do cyclists go hard? Because they can’t handle the bars!
  31. When a cyclist and a cat crossed paths, it was a real cat-astrophe!
  32. What do you call a cyclist who doesn’t wear a helmet? An organ donor!
  33. What did the one cycle wheel say to the other? “Hey, try to keep up, I’m spokes-person here.”
  34. Why did the cyclist carry a pencil? To draw a clear line of where he needs to go!
  35. Why don’t cyclists ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you’re always spoke-n for!
  36. Why did the bike stay in bed? Because it was feeling two-tired!
  37. What do you call a group of killer cycling whales? Bike killers!
  38. Why did the bike break up with its rider? He was just going through the motions!
  39. What do you call a bike that thinks it’s better than everyone else? Cycle-logical!
  40. Why don’t some bicycles need kickstands? They can always lean on their ped-igree!
  41. What’s a cyclist’s favourite type of poetry? Spoke-n word!
  42. What’s the worst part about dating a cyclist? They won’t stop wheeling and dealing!
  43. What do you call a bike that can’t stop pedalling? Cycle-path!
  44. Why did the bicycle break up with the bike lock? It felt too confined!
  45. Why did the bike apply for a job? It was tired of being a freewheel-er!
  46. What does a bicycle call its Dad? Pop-cycle!
  47. Where do bicycles go on vacation? The handle-Bahamas!
  48. What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? Cliff; when a cyclist, it’s called helmet!
  49. What don’t cycles ever get lost? They always follow their handle path!
  50. What do you say to a bicycle with a flat tire? “Inflate to see you like this!”
  51. How do you know a bicyclist needs a rest? When they’re running out of cycle-nicity!
  52. What was the sensitive bicycle’s therapist called? A cycle-ologist!
  53. What did the front break say to the back break? “I’ll keep everything in control till you catch!”
  54. Why did the bicycle get a ticket? It was speeding over the cycle limit!
  55. What’s the hardest part about learning to ride a bike? The pavement!
  56. Why do bicycle mechanics never pass their exams? Because they always get caught in the cycle of failure!
  57. Want to hear a joke about a bicycle pump? No? It’s too much pressure!
  58. What’s a bicycle’s favorite bedtime story? Beauty and the Bike!
  59. What do bicycles and fried eggs have in common? Too much sizzle can lead to a crack!
  60. Why do bicycles love camping? It spokes to their adventurous spirit!

Funny Cycling Puns For Caption

  1. What do you call a stolen bicycle? A “cycle-pathic” crime!
  2. Why don’t cycles get fat? They always keep a balanced diet!
  3. How do you know if a cyclist is well-off? He keeps his cash in the pedals!
  4. Why did the cyclist break up with his GF? She was riding him too hard!
  5. Why did the bicycle go to school? To better understand the cycle of life!
  6. Why did the bicycle join the gym? To get in gear!
  7. What did the thief say when he stole the bicycle? “I’ll handle this!”
  8. Why don’t bicycles get lonely? Because they’re always in the bicycle chain-gang!
  9. What do bicycles and penguins have in common? They both have cycle as a steady diet!
  10. What’s a bicycle’s favourite type of tree? The bicycle-ge tree!
  11. What did the bicycle say to the car? “You’re too exhaust-ing!”
  12. What do you call a bicycle that never takes a break? A wheel workaholic!
  13. What is a bicycle’s favorite type of music? Rock and Roll!
  14. What’s a bicycle’s favorite dance move? The pedal push!
  15. Why do bicycles hate winter? They have cold handle bars!
  16. What do bicycles call their best friends? Their bike mates!
  17. Why was the bike always depressed? It had a bad case of resting bike face!
  18. Why couldn’t the bicycle find its way home? It lost its bearings!
  19. Why do bicycles make great detectives? They always get to the bottom of things!
  20. What’s a bike’s favorite type of pie? Apple Turn-over!
  21. Why are bicycles bad at baseball? They can’t swing properly!
  22. What do you call a bike with a flower in its spokes? A pedal pusher!
  23. Why did the bike go to the party? Because it’s a cycle-social!
  24. Why do bicycles always beat cars? They always stay in top gear!
  25. What’s a bicycle’s favourite spices? Cycle-antro and wheel-nel seeds!
  26. Why do bicycles never get mad? They’ve learned to control their handle temper!
  27. Why did the bicycle’s break fail? It was too pressed for time!
  28. Why don’t bicycles ever get hired? They always go back to their cycle of unemployment!
  29. How do bicycles relieve stress? They simply let the air out!
  30. Why did the bike wear a hat? To protect its headlight!
  31. How do bicycles repair their wounds? They use wheel-bandages!
  32. Why did the bicycle go to AA meetings? It was always getting wheel-ly wasted!
  33. How can you tell it’s a dog’s bicycle? It has a bark stand!
  34. What’s a scared bicycle called? A cycle-pathic phobia!
  35. Why should you never let a bicycle into your home? It might wheelie all over your carpets!
  36. How do bicycles communicate with each other? They use handle sign language!
  37. Why did the bicycle go to therapy? It couldn’t stand on its own!
  38. How can you spot a bicycle thief? He’s always spinning a yarn!
  39. How do bicycles fight off danger? They have a killer wheel kick!
  40. Why did the bicycle go to a chef? It needed a well-balanced meal!
  41. Why did the bicycle like to cycle around trees? It had a bark fetish!
  42. How did the bicycle fall in love? It got wheel-y attracted!
  43. What’s the bicycle’s worst fear? Getting tyre-d!
  44. Why did the bicycle break up with its tire? It kept letting it down!
  45. Why do bicycles hate junk food? Too many empty calories!
  46. How did the bicycle get its ex back? It re-cycled its approach!
  47. Why did the bicycle go to jail? It had a dodgy brake!
  48. What’s a bicycle’s best pick-up line? “Are you a bicycle seat? Because I’m falling for you!”
  49. Why did the bicycle go to art school? It wanted to learn how to sketch!
  50. Why didn’t the bicycle cross the road? It was two tired!
  51. How did the bicycle win the bike race? It was spoke-n for victory!
  52. Why don’t bicycles get into arguments? Because they have no grounds to back-pedal on!
  53. What did the bicycle do when it got a flat tire? It called a tow truck!
  54. Why did the overworked bicycle go on vacation? It needed a break!
  55. How did the bicycle propose to his girlfriend? He got “down on one knee”.
  56. What happened when the bicycle tried to hitch a ride? It got “tire-d” of waiting.
  57. Why did the bicycle refuse to take its vitamins?” It didn’t want to become a PED-al pusher!”
  58. What’s a bike’s favourite pick-up line? “Are you a bike lane? ‘Cause I can’t help but keep falling for you!”
  59. Why did the bicycle get a job? It was tired of freewheeling!
  60. How does a bicycle see at night? It uses its front lights!
  61. What happened to the bicycle that couldn’t pedal? It went off course!
  62. How did the bicycle feel on his first day of school? Like a wheel big deal!
  63. What did the bicycle say to the scooter? “You’re just a push-over!”
  64. Why are bicycles always depressed? They can never stand up for themselves!
  65. How did the bicycle get to the moon? It used a space cycle!
  66. How can you tell a bike has been ridden too much? It has de-spoke!
  67. Why was the bicycle always getting lost? It had no sense of direction! Remember, you are always on the right path.. if you are on the bicycle.

Final Words

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Hey, I am Chetan Kumar owner of Punss.com. I made this site to add humor to your life. I love to laugh and I am pretty sure you do too. So let's share some jokes, puns and funny nicknames. Let's make each second joyful.
