190+ Funny Hockey Puns And One-Liners For Instagram

Are you searching for some funny hockey puns? If yes then you are in the right place. Here are some funniest puns related to hockey sports.

Hockey is one of the most popular sports in the world, packed with thrills and excitement. But did you know you can add even more fun to the game by sharing some witty puns? That’s exactly why we’ve compiled this collection of hockey-themed humor. So, let’s dive in and get the puck rolling!

Top Funny Hockey Puns

Hockey Puns
  1. Why did the hockey player bring string to the game? In case he needed to tie the score.
  2. Hockey players are great at parties—they know how to break the ice.
  3. Why do hockey players make good bankers? They’re good at handling checks.
  4. What do you call a cow that plays hockey? A hockey moo.
  5. Why was the hockey game at the bank? They were having a penalty shoot-out.
  6. What’s a hockey player’s favorite type of music? Rock and goal.
  7. Why did the hockey player bring a ladder to the rink? To reach high sticks.
  8. What’s a hockey player’s favorite dessert? Ice cream.
  9. Why do hockey players never get lost? They always follow the puck.
  10. What do you call a hockey player who plays the guitar? A puck-star.
  11. Why did the hockey player visit the library? He wanted to check out some stick-lit.
  12. What’s a hockey player’s favorite candy? Ice-breakers.
  13. Why are hockey players bad at making decisions? They always skate on thin ice.
  14. What do you call a bear that plays hockey? A slapshot grizzly.
  15. Why did the hockey team go to the beach? To practice their sand-slappers.
  16. What’s a hockey player’s favorite part of a joke? The punch-line change.
  17. Why was the hockey player a great musician? He had perfect slapshot timing.
  18. What do hockey players use to stay cool? Ice pucks.
  19. Why do hockey players make good comedians? They always have a quick-wit.
  20. What’s a hockey player’s favorite breakfast? Stick-n-eggs.
  21. Why did the hockey player bring a pillow to the game? To catch some penalty box naps.
  22. What do you call a dog who plays hockey? A goalie retriever.
  23. Why did the hockey player go to art school? To perfect his slapshot masterpiece.
  24. What’s a hockey player’s favorite state? Alaska—it’s always ice season.
  25. Why do hockey players love the ocean? They can practice their sea-slapshots.
  26. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite vegetable? Ice-berg lettuce.
  27. Why did the hockey player bring a map to the game? To find the best route to the goal.
  28. What’s a hockey player’s favorite movie? Slapshot Redemption.
  29. Why are hockey players great dancers? They know all the right moves on ice.
  30. What do you call a hockey match in the jungle? A puck-tacular safari.
  31. Why did the hockey player get a job at the bakery? He was great at handling turnovers.
  32. What’s a hockey player’s favorite holiday? St. Puck-trick’s Day.
  33. Why do hockey players make terrible spies? They’re always icing their tracks.
  34. What do you call a hockey game in outer space? A zero-gravity slapshot.
  35. Why did the hockey player go to the doctor? He had a bad case of puck-titis.
  36. What’s a hockey player’s favorite instrument? The ice cello.
  37. Why did the hockey player cross the road? To get to the penalty box.
  38. What do you call a hockey player with a PhD? Dr. Slapshot.
  39. Why do hockey players love camping? They enjoy setting up camp in the crease.
  40. What’s a hockey player’s favorite board game? Puck-opoly.
  41. Why did the hockey player sit on the bench? He needed to take a breakaway.
  42. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite flower? The ice-lily.
  43. Why do hockey players make good pilots? They’re great at gliding.
  44. What’s a hockey player’s favorite type of fish? A slapshot salmon.
  45. Why did the hockey team bring a broom to the game? To sweep the competition.
  46. What do you call a hockey player’s perfect match? A goalie soulmate.
  47. Why do hockey players love math? They’re always calculating their angles.
  48. What’s a hockey player’s favorite dessert? Ice pie.
  49. Why did the hockey player go to the comedy club? To serve up some slapstick humor.
  50. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite dinosaur? The slapshot-osaurus.

Cute Hockey Puns For Instagram

  1. Why did the hockey player bring a flashlight to the game? For night-time slapshots.
  2. What’s a hockey player’s favorite vegetable? Slapshot-peas.
  3. Why do hockey players love reading? They enjoy a good slapshot-turner.
  4. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite game console? The Puck-station.
  5. Why did the hockey player become a chef? He knew how to handle a knife and a puck.
  6. What’s a hockey player’s favorite holiday drink? Slapshot cider.
  7. Why do hockey players make good friends? They always have your back-check.
  8. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite animal? The slapshot-seal.
  9. Why did the hockey player bring a suitcase to the game? He was ready to travel.
  10. What’s a hockey player’s favorite type of weather? Ice-storms.
  11. Why did the hockey player visit the museum? To learn about historic slapshots.
  12. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite bird? The ice-owl.
  13. Why do hockey players make good leaders? They always have a game plan.
  14. What’s a hockey player’s favorite breakfast cereal? Slapshot Crunch.
  15. Why did the hockey player go to space? To practice zero-gravity slapshots.
  16. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite season? Ice-ember.
  17. Why do hockey players love magic shows? They enjoy the ice-illusion.
  18. What’s a hockey player’s favorite video game? Slapshot Hero.
  19. Why did the hockey player get a promotion? He always hit his slapshot goals.
  20. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite fruit? Slapshot-melon.
  21. Why do hockey players love puzzles? They enjoy putting the pieces together on ice.
  22. What’s a hockey player’s favorite type of tree? An ice-pine.
  23. Why did the hockey player go to the zoo? To see the slapshot penguins.
  24. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite mode of transportation? The slapshot-mobile.
  25. Why do hockey players love the winter? It’s always slapshot season.
  26. What’s a hockey player’s favorite holiday? Ice-ter.
  27. Why did the hockey player bring a mirror to the game? To reflect on his slapshots.
  28. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite insect? The ice-bug.
  29. Why do hockey players love the beach? They can practice their slapshots on the sand.
  30. What’s a hockey player’s favorite TV show? Slapshot and the City.
  31. Why did the hockey player go to the comedy club? For some ice-breaking jokes.
  32. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite type of hat? The slapshot cap.
  33. Why do hockey players love technology? They’re always up for a new ice app-roach.
  34. What’s a hockey player’s favorite ice cream? Slapshot ripple.
  35. Why did the hockey player bring a book to the game? For some slapshot reading.
  36. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite candy? Ice pops.
  37. Why do hockey players make good baristas? They know how to serve up a hot slapshot.
  38. What’s a hockey player’s favorite type of dog? The ice-husky.
  39. Why did the hockey player go to the bakery? To practice his dough-slapshots.
  40. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite fairy tale? The Ice Princess.
  41. Why do hockey players love skiing? They enjoy the slapshot slopes.
  42. What’s a hockey player’s favorite board game? Ice Risk.
  43. Why did the hockey player go to the park? To practice his slapshot swings.
  44. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite superhero? The Slapshot Knight.
  45. Why did the hockey player bring a shovel to the game? To dig out some slapshot saves.
  46. What’s a hockey player’s favorite mode of transportation? The ice train.
  47. Why do hockey players love the mountains? They can practice their slapshot climbs.
  48. What do you call a hockey player’s favorite type of fish? Slapshot trout.
  49. Why did the hockey player visit the dentist? For a toothy slapshot grin.
  50. What’s a hockey player’s favorite way to relax? A good ice bath.

Best Puns Related To Hockey

  1. Why don’t Hockey players ever sweat? Because they have so many fans!
  2. Why was the computer cold at the Hockey game? It left its Windows open!
  3. Why do Hockey players love donuts? Because they can’t resist the hat tricks!
  4. Did you hear about the biscuit who played Hockey? It was a puckered tart!
  5. Why did the puck go to the party? Because he was a real Ice breaker!
  6. What’s a ghost’s favorite Hockey position? The Boo-lie!
  7. Why did the Hockey player go to jail? Because he couldn’t control his checks!
  8. How does a Hockey player manage his tea? He checks the tempera-chur!
  9. Why did the puck say no to dessert? It was already stuffed from breakaways!
  10. How do Hockey players stay cool? They chill in the penalty boxes!
  11. Why do Hockey players never get lost? Because they always follow the puck.
  12. How do you know if a Hockey goalie is outgoing? He’s always catching the puck!
  13. Why can’t a leopard play Hockey? He keeps trying to spot the ballet!
  14. Why are Hockey players like magicians? Because they always keep their hat tricks!
  15. What is a Hockey player’s favorite type of music? Hip-check Hop!
  16. Why do Hockey players prefer tea over coffee? Because they love having Ice in their drinks!
  17. What do you call a Hockey play with bad aim? A missing Lynx!
  18. Why did the Hockey stick get a promotion? Because of its stick-tivity!
  19. Why did the Hockey player love camping? It reminded him of his many trips!
  20. Why are Hockey games always well lit? Because the players keep shooting off the lights!
  21. What’s the difference between a Hockey player and a magician? The magician does sleight of hand, the Hockey player does sleight of Body Check!
  22. Why do Hockey players go to school? To get degrees in icing!
  23. How do you compliment a Hockey player? Great puck-handling!
  24. What do Hockey players and two percent milk have in common? They both have good shots!
  25. Why did the Hockey player take his ball to school? He wanted to puck up his grades!
  26. Why did the Tea bag taste like Hockey? Because it was a Po-T-check!
  27. Why did the Hockey player time travel? To ice-t back in time!
  28. How was the Hockey player like a philosopher? He knew how to puck the brain!
  29. Why did the stamp go to the Hockey game? It wanted to stick to the envelope!
  30. How was the party like a Hockey game? Because there was so much breaking ice!
  31. What do you call an eccentric Hockey player? A Puck-nut!
  32. Why do goalies make good detectives? They never let anything pass!
  33. Why do Hockey players stay in 5-star hotels? They love the icing on top!
  34. What’s a Hockey player’s favorite type of drawers? Five hole!
  35. How does a Hockey player add extra flavour to his barbeque? With Smoked goalies!
  36. Why did the dog get excited about Hockey? He loved to see the fetching good moves!
  37. What’s a Hockey player’s favorite dance move? The breakaway shuffle!
  38. What do you call a Hockey game between herbs? The Thyme Cup!
  39. How is a Hockey player like an artist? They both know how to stroke the stick!
  40. What do you call a sushi-loving Hockey player? A Puck-roll!
  41. Why doesn’t the Hockey player get hyped for the game? He prefers to keep his cool!
  42. How do you know when a Hockey player has been cooking? The kitchen’s in a penalty state!
  43. Why did the Hockey player join the band? He wanted to play ‘Face-off’ the music!
  44. Did you hear about the Hockey player who went to the bakery? He was known for his roll-outs!
  45. Why did the bike ride to the Hockey game? It wanted to cycle the puck!
  46. How did the Hockey goalie get promoted in the company? He saved the boss’s shot!
  47. Why did the Hockey player go to the spa? He needed some relaxation from all the hockey body checks!
  48. What’s a Hockey player’s favorite part of Computer Science? Code checking!
  49. Why was the Hockey player at the opera? He was there for the high scores!
  50. What do you call a flirty Hockey player? A puck-up artist!

Cute Hockey Puns For Captions

  1. How does a Hockey player propose? With a diamond ring made from shattered puck glass!
  2. How is a Hockey player like a map maker? They both know how to chart the ice!
  3. Why did the Hockey player become a rising film star? His slap shots were cinematic!
  4. How do you know if a Hockey player is philosophical? He always talks about the greater goal!
  5. How do you hush a chatty Hockey player? Give him the puck!
  6. How’s a Hockey player like a pancake chef? He knows when to flip it!
  7. Why did the Hockey puck miss his family? Because he felt really face-off!
  8. Why is the Hockey player like a boiling pot? Both need chilling before being served!
  9. How is a Hockey player like an old tree? They both have amazing rings!
  10. How is a low-scoring Hockey player like expired milk? Both smell bad when they’re off!
  11. Why did the Hockey player hate barbecues? Too much grilling!
  12. How does a Hockey player leave a party? With a wrap-around!
  13. How is the Hockey puck like a math problem? It always goes into the net as a solution!
  14. How is the Hockey player like a knight? Both know how to check their opponents!
  15. Why did the Hockey player have coffee? For the grind!
  16. How does a Hockey player comfort a sad friend? He pats his back with a ‘nice check, buddy!’
  17. What do you call a Hockey player who loves poultry? A ‘Chicken-out’ player!
  18. Why do Hockey players never play hide and seek? They’re always in the spotlight!
  19. How does a Hockey player say hello? Hey, nice to puck you!
  20. How do you get a Hockey player to sleep? Tell him to count the goals!
  21. Why did the Hockey player love Valentine’s Day? Because his heart did the Hat Trick!
  22. How is a Hockey player like a library book? He gets checked out a lot!
  23. Why do Hockey players never get tired? They’re always on a power play!
  24. Why do Baseball players envy Hockey players? Because they know how to ice the pitcher!
  25. What do you call a Hockey player who lands a movie role? A Box Office Hit!

Funny Hockey One-Liners And Puns

  1. Why are Hockey player’s weekends the best? They know when to put their feet to the icing!
  2. Why did the Hockey player go to the bakery? He heard the puck is a piece of cake there!
  3. Why did the Hockey player become a baker? He was good at rolling batters!
  4. How did the Hockey player break the internet? With his viral slap shot!
  5. Why do Hockey players never oversleep? Their alarm is set to ‘Power Play’!
  6. How is a Hawaiian Pizza like a Hockey player? Both have a pineapple in nets!
  7. Why did the Hockey player start a salad business? He was a pro at tossing some greens!
  8. How does a Hockey player cook his eggs? He always has them poached and checked!
  9. Why did the Hockey player turn down a movie role? He was too good at avoiding the box!
  10. What’s a Hockey player’s favorite exercise? The puck-ups!
  11. Why did the Hockey player love playing at altitude? He loved the ‘High-sticking’ calls!
  12. What do you call a Hockey player who’s a great painter? An ‘Artistic check’!
  13. How do you know a Hockey player is a good gambler? He always bets on the right line!
  14. How does a Hockey player prefer his pizza? Served with extra checkered crust!
  15. Why did the Hockey player go to the music festival? He wanted to chill with the Ice-t crowd!
  16. Why did the Hockey player get in trouble at school? He was always passing notes!
  17. Why did the Hockey player decline a holiday invitation? He hates being off-side!
  18. What do you call a Hockey player who loves gardening? A ‘Power Plower’!
  19. What’s a Hockey player’s favorite type of car? A Huck-ey!
  20. How is a Hockey player like a chef? They spice up the ice!
  21. Did you hear about the Hockey player who fell into a well? Guess he didn’t see that coming!
  22. Why was the Hockey player happy about the rain? He thought he’d finally get to play water puckey!
  23. How is playing Hockey at the beach? There’s too much sand on the ice!
  24. Why did the Hockey player become a brewer? He had the best ice for the job!
  25. How do you know if a Hockey player is a great lover? He scores in every move!

Final Words:

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Hey, I am Chetan Kumar owner of Punss.com. I made this site to add humor to your life. I love to laugh and I am pretty sure you do too. So let's share some jokes, puns and funny nicknames. Let's make each second joyful.
